Sleek, smart and for free:
The Dynamic Project Management Method

DPMM® briefly explained

The Dynamic Project Management Method is the new project management standard.

The DPMM® reference book describes dynamic project management in a compact 
form and with over 100 graphics and tables on around 200 pages.

DPMM® is based on a scalable Agile approach that can be adapted to the project context. 
Project management must always act and react dynamically, but not every depth of 
Agility is suitable for every project context.

DPMM® integrates Agile-compatible, proven traditional management disciplines and 
can incorporate different delivery approaches from functional teams, whether 
product-oriented, timebox- or flow-oriented, or even sub-projects.

Languages currently available: English, German, Brazilian portuguese


The globally recognized certification organization EXIN® offers certifications for DPMM since March 2024. 

Benefits of DPMM

Join or switch to a new world of project management

DPMM is practical and easy to understand

DPMM is for free

DPMM is customizable to the project context

DPMM offers scalable Agility

DPMM integrates a wide variety of delivery approaches

DPMM certifications from EXIN

DPMM Trainings

DPMM trainings can be booked with many training organizations.

Do you have a question about DPMM?

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How dynamic project management makes your projects more successful

Get a taste. Get to know it. Get certified. Make it your standard.

Get to know the DPMM method

Download the DPMM reference book for free

Become a certified DPMM project manager

Book an official training course with one of our training partners and become an EXIN-certified project manager

Manage your projects with DPMM

Lead your projects to success dynamically

Use DPMM organization-wide

Speak a common project language within your organization